

A lovely bit of cabin fever


Based on various surprisingly accurate personality test and personal reflection I realized that a well suited job for me would be teaching kids art. I am currently heavily invested in two things wanting to see various locations across the United States and contributing to this generation artistic culture. However, I am plagued by a dispersing need for basic necessities such as food, shelter, an affordable health care, etc. that are attained through money. As an art teacher I would be able to contribute to students’ understanding of art and culture, also I would have an easier. Also, as an art teacher I would have more time to work on my own projects than I would have if I were to work as an office clerk. There are many schools across the U.S., since teachers teach at school I would have a possibility at working at various locations around the country.

In order to have a chance to attain my “ideal job” I will need to do certain things. For starters I will need to finish my high school education. This would be followed by attaining an undergraduate degree in art, and a graduate degree in teaching art. For my plan to reach its full effect I will need to achieve both of these degrees while refraining from taking as much student’s loans as I possibly can. Another obstacle I would need to overcome would be competition for a position as an art teacher. While I won’t be competing against people from other countries, I will be competing against every U.S. citizen who is looking for a position as an art teacher. Based on the average employment per thousand jobs for the states with highest employment is 0.964 and the average Employment RSE is 1.7%. In addition, as a result of possible energy decent over the years it would be harder and harder to attain imported art supplies.

I am not interested in ether starting a family or financially supporting another person, hence I am not interested in pursuing a high paying job. Which is very convenient for me considering the annual mean wage for an art teacher teaching at a public school is approximately $63,860. This would place me in the middle class section of the U.S. class system. However, as long as I would live a simple life that is devoid from constant luxury I should be able to sustain myself.

As an alternative job I had considered being a park ranger. Since I enjoy being alone, doing simple and repetitive task such as hiking makes me feel happy.  In addition, as a park ranger I would be working in nature resorts, which would allow me to see U.S. nature scenery on daylily bases. However, this job is not only harder to attain than a job as an art teacher, it also pays immensely less than a job as an art teacher. As a park ranger I would have to assist tourist with trifle things such as where paths are located on daylily bases; while as an art teacher I would get to command a class room full of students.

To me it is important to know whether or not I am mentally and emotionally equip to be a teacher. If I am unable to handle the emotion strain of being a teacher there is no need for me to purist this career. The sooner I figure out whether or not I am mentally fit to be a teacher the more time I will have to look for a different job that would be fit for me.

*click on image to enlarge*

Filed under: Uncategorized

4 Responses

  1. Hello Mohr, long time no type.
    Major problem detected! The average salary which you are applying to yourself factors in tenured teachers, who make noticeably more than their non-tenured counterparts. Furthermore, the U.S.A. is currently experiencing a surplus of teachers, that means if you want to move a lot you are going to have a very, very, difficult time staying employed. You should put some serious consideration into the logistics of staying gainfully employed.
    Other than that I didn’t find anything worng with the post, you could of gone into a bit more detail on why you want to be a teacher, but that’s really it.
    Overall it came off as a little bland and rushed, but it fulfilled the criteria you were given.
    Also, I noticed a disturbing lack of motion in your video. I’m not sure if a cartoon is an acceptable substitute (ignore this comment if you’ve talked to Andy already, if you havn’t I recommend speaking with him post-haste) for a 2-3 minute video.
    Best of luck with your future endeavors,


    • mohrbr says:

      thanks for pointing out my statistical error. I personally lack any form of expertise in researching statistic. In audition thank you pointing out also the competitiveness of the teaching filed.

  2. NC says:

    I think what ever work you choose it will be a value to the labor force. To work not for material necessity or scarcity but to contribute to society, experience satisfaction and experience creativity…value the work you do whether paid or unpaid

  3. 123 says:

    do you feel that the contrast between constantly being surrounded by kids vs. constant solitude may suggest that neither job actually matches the amount of social interaction you need?

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